Gun.Rodeo sponsored #TheBigSandy machine gun shoot this past fall (The Big Sandy). We even made an Android game for it! I thought I would put together some videos of us having fun on the #FiringLine.
YouTube channel #RatedRR is known to destroy things with their vast #gun collection and their latest video pits a 27-inch iMac against a #Finnish20mm #antitankrifle from World War II. The rounds for this gun cost roughly $40-$60 each. If you want to
This is my first attempt at #SlowMotion with a #GoPro.
It is set to 240 fps but the resolution drops quite a bit. We have a milk jug shot with a 22LR, 12 gauge shotgun and a 45-70 rifle.
Check out how the 45/70 slug expanded.
The last slow motion shot of
A recent video from the YouTube channel #VickersTactical shows #GreenBerets firing #heavyweaponry in super slow-motion.
The Green Berets, otherwise known as the #USArmySpecialForces are a special operations force tasked with reconnaissance
This past weekend was the #bicentennial anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, where Napoleon was defeated by the combined armies of the #British and Prussians, and which marked the transition of #Europe into a four-decade-long peace that would onl