Aug 31, 2022

Badass Combat Quote 1

“Just hold the phone and I’ll let you talk to one of the bastards!” – Lieutenant Audie Murphy, U.S. Army

In January 1945, while fighting to reduce the Colmar Pocket, then-Lt. Audie Murphy led the depleted B Company, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Inf. Division, in an attack on the town of Holtzwihr (French-German border). The attack quickly ran into stiff resistance from German armor and infantry. Lt. Murphy ordered his men to withdraw while he held his position to continue to call in artillery on the advancing Germans. The Germans were nearly on top of him, but he continued to call for fire. Fearful of firing on their own soldier, headquarters asked Murphy how close the enemy was, to which he replied: “Just hold the phone and I’ll let you talk to one of the bastards!” During this same engagement, Lt. Murphy mounted a burning U.S. tank destroyer and drove off the Germans with its .50 caliber machine gun and continued artillery fire. He received the Medal of Honor for his actions.

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