When you have a free weekend, ya might as well take a drive to Montana. With a total of 23 hours of drive time, 1,400 miles and spending time with family, it was a well spent weekend.
So awesome! I went there 2 yeara ago and from the minute I arrived, I was hooked. I wanted to buy a ranch and settle in. A couple days into the trip, I woke up to a daytime high temperature of -29 degrees. Needless to say, I went home.
If we get a brake in weather we may take our new #SpringfieldXDS #9mm out for some practice. Then we'll take some time to clean the gun to prevent any rust from starting, due to moisture level outside.
Our neighbor up the hill has been watching this heard of 20 or so come across his field for several months now. He set up two #gamecams one on the top pasture and the other towards the lower half facing the downhill slope. The video's and photo's you'l
1 1/2 pound of home made binary packed tight and wrapped in shrink wrap. Apparently it can be too tightly packed. Did 1 1/2 lb 2 days ago in a zip lock bag unzipped, and it was twice as loud.