*modular Lite Rear Folding Stock And Adapter For Ak-47 Draco & Mini Draco Pistols

*modular Lite Rear Folding Stock And Adapter For Ak-47 Draco & Mini Draco Pistols

Mesa, AZ

This streamlined, lite modular stock includes a thin folding adapter and a flat mount Adapter for the AK-47 Draco & mini Draco Pistols. Offers a sleek, slim design with a padded buffer tube for cheek weld comfort and a molded rubber butt pad for additional recoil absorption. Stock can be only folded to the left. End to end, stock and adapter measures about 9.5". Please call with any questions.

Posted Wednesday, Sep 27 2017
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Please read the Gun Rodeo statement on Shopify's recent anti-gun actions. Thanks, I read it.